On Friday, The Bluespace team were fortunate enough to attend the grand unveiling of The Samaritans new office in St Stephens Square. This is a project we are very excited to share with you.
It was a fantastic afternoon which gave us the opportunity to see the completed space for the first time. We not only got to celebrate the new space with the people who worked alongside us to complete the project, but the people who will be using the office. The full case study will be shared soon, but here’s a sneak peak of the project!
The Samaritans is an amazing cause that has been operating since 1953, and in Norwich since 1964. Their dedicated volunteers work 24/7, 365 days a year to make sure someone is always there for people who want to talk and be listened to with no judgement. Their work is invaluable and we were honoured to create a workspace that mirrors the significance of their mission, whilst ensuring all their needs are met.
In light of their refurbishment, The Samaritans are also looking for more volunteers to help fill the space. If you think you could be suited to this and want to make a positive difference to people’s lives, don’t hesitate to get in touch with them!